Thursday, October 9, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Live Show #10

And now Jesdraggon has joined the show. Wouldn't you just love to know what we talked about? Oh wait! You can! Tune into the show! We lightly touch on the McCain campaign. Discuss the perfect man who nut found on craigslist...and the coincidental squirrel instigated gerbil attack on nut which makes him her perfect match. Another priest falls off the band wagon, and you learn more about nut and her appliances than you EVER wished to know.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Live Show #9

As usual, the Nut and the Jader tackle the political issues in a TOTALLY serious manner. In nuts own words, women are stupid, and maybe they shouldn't be allowed to vote. What else did we have to talk about? How about stealing condoms in a wheelchair? Don't like that? Maybe you prefer a list of books that Sarah Palin thinks should be banned...we do so love banned books. Jade has to reign in Nut's totally tasteless and cruel sense of humor. Not to mention the ULTIMATE fish-smack...
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Live Show #8

This show was like a babbler party! We had Scrabbler, Ren, and Stidmama on the call. Not to mention a few distinguished guests streaming from the site. Not that we dazzled them with anything respectable. We learned that Texans have no Passion, or that they legally try to oppress it anyway. Did you know that Scrabs Kayaks? Did you know you need to do that in the water? Did you know that Torg can feed himself? I still don't believe that one. One thing I learned is that if Scrabs is in Presque Isle, I'll be careful about going to the beach.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Live Show #7
Nut and Jade go all out to bring you the latest and greatest in Political news. Nut, through her wiley efforts, obtained an exclusive copy of a voicemail from McCain to Palin. Then, as if our election 08 coverage couldn't get any better, Sarah Palin herself (or missbeeze, what evs) joins us live.
Tune into the show for a good time. Really, you babblers need to start streaming this sh** live. That's the best way to get your feedback as the news is being delivered. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the cross dressers and bra thieves. I mean, how can you live with yourself if you don't listen up?
Anyways, listen up, enjoy and thank talkshoe for making this new babble-cast possible.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Live Show # 6

Here we go again. Nut and Stidmama let loose their opinions on unsuspecting babblers. Nut can't stop herself from celebrating John McCains VP pick.
Gamers go mad and kill babies. Sharks show up in Lake Michigan. And ebayers have erotic fantasies about the people they buy from.
What more can you ask for? Your own show, your own babblers, actual REAL people, press 1 for babblers, press 2 for trolls, press three to terminate all of your joy in life.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Live Show #5

FINALLY finally finally finally We get Aussieme in on the action. I mean, why does it have to be so hard to make these international calls work? Stupid Skype. And bless talkshoe.
I offer Aussie some sage advice, share some personal plans, and we read about a racoon (which aussie and I believe to be in league with the squirrels) which has infiltrated a federal office.
Oh's GREST all over again...have a good listen.
Live Show #4

Jade joins us again for a winding trip down the trail of strange and unusual news. Well, unusual to respectable reporters anyway, to Jade and myself it's just another day on the show.
So, what do we share with you? Did you hear about the woman who registered her dog to vote? No? How about this, even better I swear! How about a sexy sexxxxy nun pagent? How about barbarous barbie catching catfish? Hey, how much do I really have to tell you , I mean, YOU know what this show is about!
Come on over and watch the show...I mean listen.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Live Show #3

Hey hey hey!!! Babble-cast fans, take a listen to this episode. I was lucky enough to brow beat Lexleeanne and Pinikula into co-hosting with me. And may I say that they make GREAT co-hosts! So what meaningless stuff did we have to talk about?
We delve a little into GREST.
Calling 911 because you can't return unused condoms.
Some creepy guy who has a thing for dwarves.
Not to mention a short visit to our favorite site
So give it a listen, now I gotta go pee...bye!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Live Show #2

Hosted by Nut, Stidmama, and Jade
Stid and Jade went head to head in a brutal competition of literary knowledge, while Nut moderated and butchered the English language.
Strange news includes bathing in Burger King, Doggies defending the dead, and posing as police to procure porn.
Nut challenges Jade again, but Stid ruins it for her by telling Jade she doesn't have to do it...I say bull pucky.
Even better, you get to hear Jade's charming daughter say 'hi', like literally just hi. I know she talks WAY more than that, but we weren't hearing any of it.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Live live live!

Recently I suckered Mom, MaMaWa, and Missbeez into a live show. How did I manage this? Well, they didn't know what they were doing.
Listen as we compare notes on how many words we found. As we discuss the results of my AIDS test. And as we trace the strange laws of the world that prevent people from going blind by decapitating them.
To listen to the show now, click the new button on the right.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
47: Story Submission by Jacula
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
45: Big(foot) News
Hope you enjoy the audio I'll be posting that I find on the internet. Until I can record this is all you'll get. As always, everyone is free to submit audio to be shared on the show.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
44: Dr Nut and the Hard Questions
All the of sound clips in todays show were derived from
Remember to vote here there and everywhere for the show...thank the clue givers and go pro for the god guy.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
42: Soldier in the Night
Today Aussie has read for your listening pleasure her own original short story titled the same as this episode. We at babblecast can only say that we are THRILLED at your current response to submitting your own literary works to the show and hope that we will do proper credit to it when posting.
I'd tell you why I love this story, but I can't because it would give away the ending so listen and enjoy instead.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Enjoy the presentation of this story? You can have your story on babblecast to share with all the babblers. You can record, or we can if you're too shy to have your voice heard.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
40: JADE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey babblers! Can you believe it, Jade is here to relieve Stidmama who is having some ‘voice issues’ as I like to term it. You’ll have to forgive the audio quality which declines throughout the show because my computer crashed and I had to fight to save the show. I haven’t edited out the odd pauses or overlaps at the end to prevent further damage.
So what do the Jade and Nut have to talk about. Well, Harry Potter porn toys, a dash of Clinton bashing, Religious leaders falling off the band wagon and Soap thieving.
What else? Well, Jade admits to her ignorance of Evanovich. Specifically she’s not familiar with Ranger’s famous soap. Next time you see her in the chog, be sure to let her know Ranger’s soap is FAMOUS.
Finally, since Jade doesn’t understand the powerful pull of Ranger, I’ve read an excerpt from Ten Big Ones for all. Specifically, the shower gel scene. Enjoy babblers.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
39: Babblecast in a minute (33)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Monday, March 3, 2008
38: FEAR (if you liked the rantrage, you'll love this)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
37: Nut and W
Saturday, February 16, 2008
36: Co host auditions
Ok, so we’re deviating a little from the formula babblecast fans. I hope you enjoy this little bit. And remember, you are all welcome to come on the show as a co host, a guest, or even just leaving a skype voice mail.
Leave your voice mail for skype user evanonut.
Play babble at, vote for us in podcast alley, digg us on, thank Lickety for the clues page and thank Dr. god by going pro!
Oh yeah! Check out the videos I posted for your viewing pleasure below. Notice I've still got my eye on those pesky squirrels.
* be advised that this show contains explicit content *
Monday, February 4, 2008
35:Say Hello to Stid!
Welp guys, I’d say I’m sorry, but there’s no point because when I couldn’t record, Stidmama stepped in and did a fabulous job! So take a listen, tell us what you think at:
vote for us at: podcastalley
play babble at:
Thank Dr. God by going pro and remember to drop Lickety a line thanking him for the clues page.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
34: Ya'll fat, and ya'lll eat too much
Learn first hand the new years resolutions of some of your babbling companions. I talk (all by myself) about the Toilet bowl, and Cheap Chinese restaraunts, and something else I can’t remember. We visit our favorite babblecast website:
It’s a new month, so please take the time to vote for us in podcastalley.
Digg us at
Remember to rock her world. - Video below.