Wednesday, April 30, 2008
44: Dr Nut and the Hard Questions
All the of sound clips in todays show were derived from
Remember to vote here there and everywhere for the show...thank the clue givers and go pro for the god guy.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
42: Soldier in the Night
Today Aussie has read for your listening pleasure her own original short story titled the same as this episode. We at babblecast can only say that we are THRILLED at your current response to submitting your own literary works to the show and hope that we will do proper credit to it when posting.
I'd tell you why I love this story, but I can't because it would give away the ending so listen and enjoy instead.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Enjoy the presentation of this story? You can have your story on babblecast to share with all the babblers. You can record, or we can if you're too shy to have your voice heard.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
40: JADE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey babblers! Can you believe it, Jade is here to relieve Stidmama who is having some ‘voice issues’ as I like to term it. You’ll have to forgive the audio quality which declines throughout the show because my computer crashed and I had to fight to save the show. I haven’t edited out the odd pauses or overlaps at the end to prevent further damage.
So what do the Jade and Nut have to talk about. Well, Harry Potter porn toys, a dash of Clinton bashing, Religious leaders falling off the band wagon and Soap thieving.
What else? Well, Jade admits to her ignorance of Evanovich. Specifically she’s not familiar with Ranger’s famous soap. Next time you see her in the chog, be sure to let her know Ranger’s soap is FAMOUS.
Finally, since Jade doesn’t understand the powerful pull of Ranger, I’ve read an excerpt from Ten Big Ones for all. Specifically, the shower gel scene. Enjoy babblers.